Industrial counterespionage

Industrial espionage refers to information theft (most often of business secrets); gathering of information on competitor's business activity and the protected data.

The object of the industrial espionage is therefore protected data, that is information on business activity for which a company took the necessary measures in order to keep them secrete. Methods and procedures of industrial espionage include: “Trojan horse“ method, treason, break in, corruption, information theft, eavesdropping on mobile calls and other methods of communication.

One of the methods for information theft is using the so called “insider“, person who has access to information that are business secrets.

This can refer to the executive managers, but also to lower-ranked employees that assent to “selling“ the protected data to competitors, whether it be companies or individuals. The unprecedented development of information technology has served as an effective breeding ground for misuse of protected data, and there is a great number of techniques for covering up this malpractice and the profit gained from it.

Since most of the company's business activities is connected precisely to Internet usage, it does not come as a surprise that the industrial espionage is conducted mainly online.

The report published by the American company McAfee, which is quite influential in the domain of information technologies, and in cooperation with the Science Application International Corporation (SAIC), points out that “ the most important area for loss is in the theft of intellectual property and business-confidential information—economic espionage.“

Furthermore, the target of a great number of cybercrimes is directed towards mobile devices that are easily attacked and provide access to a great deal of information.

There is a growing number of clients that face unprecedented threats to the security of their proprietary information and assets;  filling this need, we developed the counterespionage program and are able to provide our clients with a high standard of services in order to protect their business secrets. For further information, feel free to contact us with confidence.